§ 15A-5-202.5. Amendments and additions to Chapters 3 and 4 of IFC. (Effective 7/1/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1) For IFC, Chapter 3, General Requirements:
    (a) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 304.1.2, Vegetation, is amended as follows: Delete line six and replace it with: "the Utah Administrative Code, R652-122-200, Minimum Standards for Wildland Fire Ordinance".
    (b) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 308.1.2, Throwing or Placing Sources of Ignition, is deleted and rewritten as follows: "No person shall throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, a lighted match, cigar, cigarette, matches, lighters, or other flaming or glowing substance or object on any surface or article where it can cause an unwanted fire."
    (c) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 310.8, Hazardous and Environmental Conditions, is deleted and rewritten as follows: "When the fire code official determines that hazardous environmental conditions necessitate controlled use of any ignition source, including fireworks, lighters, matches, sky lanterns, and smoking materials, any of the following may occur:
         1. If the hazardous environmental conditions exist in a municipality, the legislative body of the municipality may prohibit the ignition or use of an ignition source in mountainous, brush-covered, or forest-covered areas or the wildland urban interface area, which means the line, area, or zone where structures or other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or land being used for an agricultural purpose.
         2. Except as provided in paragraph 3, if the hazardous environmental conditions exist in an unincorporated area, the state forester may prohibit the ignition or use of an ignition source in all or part of the areas described in paragraph 1 that are within the unincorporated area, after consulting with the county fire code official who has jurisdiction over that area.
         3. If the hazardous environmental conditions exist in a township created under Section 17-27a-306 that is in a county of the first class, the county legislative body may prohibit the ignition or use of an ignition source in all or part of the areas described in paragraph 1 that are within the township."
    (d) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 311.1.1, Abandoned Premises, is amended as follows: On line 10 delete the words "International Property Maintenance Code and the".
    (e) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 311.5, Placards, is amended as follows: On line three delete the word "shall" and replace it with the word "may".
    (f) IFC, Chapter 3, Section 315.2.1, Ceiling Clearance, is amended to add the following: "Exception: Where storage is not directly below the sprinkler heads, storage is allowed to be placed to the ceiling on wall-mounted shelves that are protected by fire sprinkler heads in occupancies meeting classification as light or ordinary hazard."
    (2) IFC, Chapter 4, Emergency Planning and Preparedness:
    (a) IFC, Chapter 4, Section 404.2, Where required, Subsection 8, is amended as follows: After the word "buildings" add "to include sororities and fraternity houses".
    (b) IFC, Chapter 4, Section 405.2, Table 405.2, is amended to add the following footnotes:
    (i) "e. Secondary schools in Group E occupancies shall have an emergency evacuation drill for fire conducted at least every two months, to a total of four emergency evacuation drills during the nine-month school year. The first emergency evacuation drill for fire shall be conducted within 10 school days after the beginning of classes, and the third emergency evacuation drill for fire shall be conducted 10 school days after the beginning of the next calendar year. The second and fourth emergency evacuation drills may be substituted by a security or safety drill to include shelter in place, earthquake drill, or lock down for violence."
    (ii) "f. In Group E occupancies, excluding secondary schools, if the AHJ approves, the monthly required emergency evacuation drill can be substituted by a security or safety drill to include shelter in place, earthquake drill, or lock down for violence. The routine emergency evacuation drill for fire must by conducted at least every other evacuation drill."
    (iii) "g. A-3 occupancies in academic buildings of institutions of higher learning are required to have one emergency evacuation drill per year, provided the following conditions are met:
    (A) The building has a fire alarm system in accordance with Section 907.2.
    (B) The rooms classified as assembly shall have fire safety floor plans as required in Section 404.3.2(4) posted.
    (C) The building is not classified a high-rise building.
    (D) The building does not contain hazardous materials over the allowable quantities by code."
Amended by Chapter 243, 2014 General Session